Friday, September 4, 2009

love story parody

(Pre-text note: The title is in lowercase on purpose).

I used to have the perfect life.

My grades were always good, I respected my parents, I had great friends, I was a vegetarian, I did charity work, I helped the orphans.

That was up until the day I met him.

After that my perfect world came crumbling down. I fell deeper and deeper into a dark world of sexting and stare dates.... amongst other things.

This is my story, and what lead me to be the person I once was.

P.S. Please don't judge me, that was my past. I know what I did was wrong, and I regret every single thing I did. I hope all of you can learn from my mistakes.

Glimpse of Hope (^_^)

Pronunciation: \ˈper-ə-dē, ˈpa-rə-\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural par·o·dies

1 : A literary or musical work in which the style of an author or work is closely imitated for comic effect or in ridicule.
2 : A feeble or ridiculous imitation.

NOTE: This is NOT a real love story! This is a PARODY, a SPOOF! I am MAKING FUN of love stories and how ridiculous they can be. I thought naming it "Love story parody" would make that clear to people, but apparently not. So I posted the definition of parody, and still people didn't get it.